Hello Friend,

My name is Christian and it is my hope this little corner of the web will help you get back the love of your life, rekindle a dying flame, or just improve your current relationship.

While I may not be some guru touting the latest clinical results, I possess something much more valuable. REAL WORLD INSIGHT & RESULTS!

After helping numerous friends and family, I decided to move to the internet and see if I could help more people. So I formed a Newsletter that provides real life examples, proven tips, and valuable insight that has help mend, repair, and bolster the relationships of its readers.

Whether you have just lost your love, are experiencing troubles in your relationship, or just want to rekindle a lost flame, I can help.

I also want you to know you are not alone, if you have a direct question, my email is provided within the newsletter and I will personally answer your questions....

To Your Happiness,



Tip for Getting Back with Your Ex

If you want your ex back, not letting them know is the worst thing that you can do. How are they supposed to want to reconcile with you if they don't even know you care?

Chances are that if you are harboring thoughts of getting back with your ex they are at least entertaining the thought of working things out with you. How will you ever know if they still feel the same way if you don't make some effort to find out? Your ex is not a mind reader and chances are, neither are you.

Approach them in a non-pushy way, do not come across as overbearing and DO NOT give an ultimatum. This will most definitely sour them on the idea. Come from a nurturing, caring, and above all thoughtful angle. Put their needs first, but don’t ignore yours, express them in a reciprocative way to have them understand that you take them serious and expect your feelings to be taken seriously.

Now, this is not the end all be all tip for getting back with your ex, but it is a first step. On that note I wish you well, and good luck.

Take Care,


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